Thursday, 17 March 2011

Something Nice

This is something new, I've never seen someone do this before which is disappointing since this is so amazing.
I'm kind of annoyed that some people didn't even play along with it they just stood there and the guards who had no damn sence of humour . But this guy is a bad ass and he is committed to what he is doing which makes it even more awesome.

Also I'd like to thank my 200 followers for well "following" me since I didn't expect this much of a response.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Something cool

This is pretty cool, I don't think this will go in production but it will be useful for the long drives to College everyday. It would be freaking awesome to go to college while having breakfast or using a laptop, rather then having to worry about those idiots keep on rushing to work by overtaking you and driving to close to the back of you. Here's some info.

"At the TED 2011 conference in Long Beach, Google gave rare demos of its auto-driving car. This is from inside the car. The car is making extreme turns unlike it would on regular roads because it is on a closed-course and it demonstrating its capabilities."

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